Friday, August 21, 2015

Banff, Alberta, Canada, day two

We woke at about 6:30 am and continued organizing for the trip. I put my water bottle cages on the bike as well as all my bags. I tightened all bolts and put on my air horn and mirrors too.

The day was a rainy one so we decided to visit the Fairmount Banff Springs hotel which was built in 1888. It is a humongous structure and reminded me of the hotel in the movie "The Shining".

We stopped at the information center and talked to a ranger about using my air horn to alert bears of my presence. She said that is what we used to use before bear spray. She advised using it in places where the path ahead is not visible and when decending quickly.

We had a group meeting at 4 pm. We reviewed logistics, received our maps and riding jerseys and discussed some changes to the original plan. Today, I met Ton and Marga, Harry and Fred from the Netherlands as well as Michael from NJ. We meet for breakfast tomorrow morning at 7 am, get our bags loaded and then we head out.

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