Distance: 54.5 miles
Average Speed: 10.1 mph
Hours Riding: 5 hours 20 minutes
Calories: 3240
Total Ascent: 5942 feet
Total Descent: - 4997 feet
I woke at 6:50 a.m. and started taking down my wet tent. Breakfast was at 8:00 a.m. and we left by 9:15 a.m.
I rode out with the group and settled into a pace with Andy. Our GPS units were giving opposite information, and we realized that Andy had the GPS track for yesterday. Once corrected, our Garmins were in sync.
Lunch was at about 37 miles, a little longer ride than usual but very good nonetheless. We mostly rode on forest service paths and the scenery was beautiful. It was especially nice because the smoke from the fires did not obscure the mountains.
A number of people saw grizzly tracks in fresh mud, and Sue and Joel saw a black bear at a distance. We arrived at camp at about 4:30 pm. It is a beautiful site with the exquisite Holland Lake.
Dinner was pasta with meat sauce with wine, and it was delicious. We had some cookies and melons for desert.
The previous night, I was given the moose mascot to carry on my bike; it is tradition to pass it along to some other deserving person and tell a story about the passing. To give some context, the moose or as we call him, "the moosie" fell off my bike at some point today and Sue retrieved it for me.
The following is a synopsis of my speech:
"Now is the moosie hour. There have been rumors that I lost the moosie, but the truth is that he escaped. I know this because he told me. He said he wanted to leave because of the long hours, the wet and difficult conditions, and the poor pay. Once off the bike, he made his way back into the forest and was heading to his home among the woodland elves. Then he remembered what his mama moose taught him - you finish what you start. So he made his way back to the road so that he could be found (and ultimately brought back to me) and he told me this story. Because he lives with the woodland elves, he is a magical moosie and he has the power of healing. He heard about Harry's fall and requested to be with him to use his healing powers, so that Harry may get back on his bike to ride and continue with the trip." The moosie was then passed onto Harry to an enthusiastic applause.
"Now is the moosie hour. There have been rumors that I lost the moosie, but the truth is that he escaped. I know this because he told me. He said he wanted to leave because of the long hours, the wet and difficult conditions, and the poor pay. Once off the bike, he made his way back into the forest and was heading to his home among the woodland elves. Then he remembered what his mama moose taught him - you finish what you start. So he made his way back to the road so that he could be found (and ultimately brought back to me) and he told me this story. Because he lives with the woodland elves, he is a magical moosie and he has the power of healing. He heard about Harry's fall and requested to be with him to use his healing powers, so that Harry may get back on his bike to ride and continue with the trip." The moosie was then passed onto Harry to an enthusiastic applause.
Tomorrow is another interrupted day because of the forest fires, so we will likely be riding on the road.
Lenny: I would like to know why you came to have the Moose to start with. It is time to come clean on this. Terry